Design Pattern – RxJava 2 & Reactive programming

What is it?

Real world

Think of it as a network of water pipes.

  • You have a source, our water tank
  • Then a series of pipes and connectors
    • which may divert flows to various rooms
    • or change the water into something else


  • An Observable (water tank) emits items
  • An optional Transformation (water connector?) transforms items into
  • A consumer is a doer which can act on those items
  • A Subscriber consumes those items
    • Observables don’t start emitting items until someone explicitly subscribes to them

Coding example

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// We want to print the words in UPPERCASE
// Observable
Observable<String> observable = Observable.just("how", "to", "do", "in", "java");
// Consumer
Consumer<? super String> consumer = System.out::println;
// Transformation using map() method
.map(w -> w.toUpperCase())
// Subscriber
// We want to print the words in UPPERCASE // Observable Observable<String> observable = Observable.just("how", "to", "do", "in", "java"); // Consumer Consumer<? super String> consumer = System.out::println; observable // Transformation using map() method .map(w -> w.toUpperCase()) // Subscriber .subscribe(consumer);
// We want to print the words in UPPERCASE

// Observable
Observable<String> observable = Observable.just("how", "to", "do", "in", "java");

// Consumer
Consumer<? super String> consumer = System.out::println;
    // Transformation using map() method
    .map(w -> w.toUpperCase())
    // Subscriber

Communication flow

  • Connect the subscriber to consumer using subscribe()
  • As soon as, we connect both,
    • events start flowing
    • subscriber start act on events by consumer
  • Internally, when event is emitted from the observable,
    • the onNext() method is called on each subscriber
    • onComplete() or the onError() method is called on the subscriber when the observable finishes all of events

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