What does Apple documentation talk about background modes?
Apple Documentation
In background mode, app should do as little as possible, and preferably nothing
Which use cases are allowed to run in background?
Apps don’t normally receive any extra execution time after they enter the background.
However, UIKit does grant execution time to apps that support any of the following time-sensitive capabilities:
- Audio communication using AirPlay, or Picture in Picture video.
- Location-sensitive services for users.
- Voice over IP.
- Communication with an external accessory.
- Communication with Bluetooth LE accessories, or conversion of the device into a Bluetooth LE accessory.
- Regular updates from a server.
- Support for Apple Push Notification service (APNs).
How to listen to state change?
All state transitions result in UIKit sending notifications to the appropriate delegate object:
- In iOS 13 and later—A
object. - In iOS 12 and earlier—The
What do developers talk about background modes?
What is iOS life cycle?
Move from foreground to background

Cordova – Background Geolocation library
Free for iOS, pay fee for Android
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