How to reset navigation routes?
const navigation = useNavigation();
navigation.dispatch((state) => {
// Remove the 'home' route from the stack
const routes = state.routes.filter((r) => !== 'home');
//const routeNames = state.routeNames.filter((r) => r !== 'home'); // No need?
// Replace 'home' with 'profile'
const newRoutes = [
name: 'profile',
params: { data: {} },
key: 'key-screen-profile', // Optional
// const newRouteNames = [...routeNames, 'profile']; // No need?
// Reset
return CommonActions.reset({
...state, // Optional if you want to keep current state
// routeNames: newRouteNames, // No need?
routes: newRoutes,
index: newRoutes.length - 1, // What screen index you want to show
What should be in data params when passing data?
// Don't do this
navigation.navigate('Profile', {
user: {
id: 'jane',
firstName: 'Jane',
lastName: 'Done',
age: 25,
- Data such as user objects should be in your global store
navigation.navigate('Profile', { userId: 'jane' });
What is the difference between push() and navigate()?
- Each time you call push, a new route is added to the navigation stack
When you call navigate it first tries to find an existing route with that name, and only pushes a new route if there isn’t yet one on the stack
- Or push action adds a route on top of the stack and navigates forward to it
In the other hand, navigate will pop back to earlier in the stack if a component is already mounted there. Push will always add on top, so a component can be mounted multiple times.
How to close a react-navigation modal?
How to navigate to a nested screen of a different stack?
navigation.navigate('stackName', {
screen: 'screenName',
params: {
userName: 'Hung',
age: 18,
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