React – How to interact with DOM?

How to interact with a HTML element in React?

Use useRef

  • Embed HTML content
import { useRef, useEffect } from 'react'

const TestComponent = () => {
  const rootDiv = useRef(null)

  useEffect(() => {
    const root = rootDiv.current
    root.innerHTML = `<span>Hello</span>`
  }, [])

  return <div ref={rootDiv}></div>

export default TestComponent
  • Focus an editable div element
import { useEffect, useRef, useState } from 'react'

const Note = () => {
  const [isEditable, setEditable] = useState(false)
  const contentDiv = useRef(null)

  useEffect(() => { // After UI is updated
    if (isEditable) {
      const refContentDiv = contentDiv.current
  }, [isEditable])

  function onEditNote() {
    setEditable(true) // Schedule for UI update

  function onSaveNote() {
    setEditable(false) // Schedule for UI update

  return (
      {isEditable ? (
        <div onClick={onSaveNote}>
          Save Note
      ) : (
        <div onClick={onEditNote}>
          Edit Note
        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusm od
        tempor incidi dunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim
        veniam, quis nostrud exercitation

export default Note

How to render a React component into a DOM element?

  • HTML file
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

   <div id="id-component-test"></div>

  • React component
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'

const TestComponent = () => {

ReactDOM.render(<TestComponent />, document.getElementById('id-component-test'))

How to style a component having content of an external HTML file (url)?

  • Get html source code
export const fetchHtmlUrl = async (htmlUrl: string) => { // htmlUrl = https://xxx.xx/abc.html
  const { data } = await axios.get(htmlUrl)
  return data
import { useRef, useEffect } from 'react'
import { fetchHtmlUrl } from 'src/network/restful/restApi'
import { useQuery } from 'react-query'
import './index.scss'

const TestComponent = ({ htmlUrl }) => {
  const { data, isLoading } = useQuery(['fetchHtmlUrl', htmlUrl], () =>

  const rootDiv = useRef(null)
  useEffect(() => {
    if (!data) {
    const root = rootDiv.current
    root.innerHTML = data.trim()
  }, [data])

  if (isLoading) {
    return null

  return <div ref={rootDiv} className='test-component'></div>

export default TestComponent
  • Create css file to style the page
// index.scss

.test-component {
  line-height: 1.4em;
  color: #666;
  -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;

  h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {
    line-height: 1.4em;
    color: #666;

  h1 {
    font-weight: 300;


How to render custom iframe in React?

const TestComponent = ({ }) => {

  // Define iframe reference
  const iframeRef = useRef(null);

  useEffect(() => {
    const iframe = iframeRef.current;
    let timer;
    if (!iframe) {

    timer = setTimeout(() => {
      const win = iframe.contentWindow;

      // Communicate with iframe content
      win.addEventListener('message', (event) => {
        switch ( {
          case 'exitFullscreen':
            // do something;

      // Inject style 
      const doc = win.document;
      const { body } = doc;
      const style = doc.createElement('style');
      style.innerHTML = `
        html, body { width: 100%; height: 100%; }
        body { margin: 0; background: #000000; overflow: hidden; }
        @media only screen and (max-width: 629px) {
          .video-js:not(.vjs-has-started) .vjs-tech {
            opacity: 0.4!important;

      // inject a HTML element
      const video = doc.createElement('video');
      video.className = 'video-js vjs-fluid';
      video.setAttribute('one-attribute', 'some-value');

      // inject script element
      const bcScript = doc.createElement('script');
      bcScript.src = `https://xxxxx.xx/abcd.js`;
      bcScript.onload = () => {
        // do something ...

    }, 100);

    return () => {
      iframeRef.current = null;
      if (timer) {
  }, []);

  return (
    <iframe allowFullScreen={false} ref={iframeRef} />

export default TestComponent;

Useful DOM APIs

  • Select all elements having a class name
    • [id^=’someId’]: match all ids starting with someId
    • [id$=’someId’]: match all ids ending with someId
    • [id*=’someId’]: match all ids containing someId
  const elements = document.querySelectorAll(

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